SniffPass is a password scanning tool for Windows computers. The application makes use of network monitoring algorithms to listen to traffic in your network. It can listen to traffic from any network interface currently connected to your system and it can detect passwords on several protocols, such as POP3, SMTP, FTP, and HTTP. Basically, when you select a network interface, SniffPass will start listening and when it finds some traffic which it considers to belong to a password authentication sequence, it will display it in the main window. So when it does find a password, you will see the originating IP address, the IP address which received the password (only within your network), both the local and remote ports, and the username and password. If you leave SniffPass running, you will start accumulating a number of passwords, depending on the network traffic. For most of the above-mentioned formats, SniffPass will only work when there isn't much security involved. If you are on a secure website, chances are that the encryption will render SniffPass useless. For casual passwords, SniffPass does a good job.